Crafting with plastic fabric

Crafting with plastic fabric, also known as plastic canvas, is a versatile and fun way to create a wide range of decorative and functional items. Plastic canvas is a gridded plastic material available in various shapes and sizes, making it easy to work with. Here are some plastic fabric craft ideas: Materials You’ll Need: Plastic […]

Handmade wooden toys have a long history and very popular

Handmade wooden toys have a long history in India and continue to be popular choices for children’s play. These toys are not only cherished for their aesthetic appeal and simplicity but also for their eco-friendliness and safety. Here are some examples of handmade wooden toys used in India: Dollhouses: Handcrafted wooden dollhouses are a common […]

Handmade wooden utensils widely used

Handmade wooden utensils have a long history in India and are still widely used in many households, especially in rural and traditional settings. These utensils are appreciated for their natural and eco-friendly qualities. Here are some examples of handmade wooden utensils commonly used in India: Chapati Rolling Pins (Belan): A wooden rolling pin is used […]